Council Meetings

Council Meeting Dates 

The Shire of Williams’ Council meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (with the exception of January - no meeting held) in the Council Chambers at 9 Brooking Street, Williams commencing at 3.30pm.

Items for the agenda must be received prior to the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Every endeavour will be made to give public notice of any special meetings or changes to ordinary meetings.

Ordinary meeting dates for 2025 can be found below. 

Each meeting includes a Public Question Time. If you wish to view the items for discussion, the Agenda is available for inspection at the Council Office.

Minutes from Council meetings are accessible through the Council Meetings / Minutes page of the website. Please visit this site regularly to access a copy of the latest Council minutes.

Please note that Minutes are unconfirmed until they have been confirmed as a true and correct record by Council at the following Meeting.

Public Question Time

The designated Question Time will commence shortly after the Chairperson, in most cases the president, declares the Meeting open. In general, Question Time will last for a minimum period of up to 15 minutes. This time may be extended at the discretion of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson will ask anyone in the public gallery who wishes to ask a question to raise their hand.

Please remember, the question must relate to a matter affecting the Shire. Should there be more than one person indicating a desire to ask a question, the Chairperson shall nominate the order in which the questions will be received.

Anyone wishing to ask a question must address the Chairperson and give the following details in writing using the Public Question Time Submission Form to be submitted to the Shire Administration as early as possible prior to the commencement of the Council Meeting:

  1. The name and address of the person asking the question.
  2. The question to which a desired response is sought.

The Chairperson shall decide if the question is in order. The Chairperson may answer or direct your question to an appropriate Councillor or Officer for a response. If the question is taken on notice, then a response will be sent to you in writing.

There will be no argument or discussion on the question or reply; however with the consent of the Chairperson, a subsequent  question on the same matter may be put.


Annual Electors' General Meeting

A statutory requirement of the Local Government Act 1995 is that each Council must have a General Meeting of Electors once every financial year. The Shire usually holds its Electors General Meeting in November of each year.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the contents of the annual report for the previous financial year and any other general business.

In many respects, the Electors General Meeting is similar to the Annual Meeting of shareholders of public companies, and as such the Shire’s "shareholders", that is to say, its electors, are encouraged to attend and see how their Council has performed during the past year.

The Meeting is attended by the President, Councillors and Senior Officers who are happy to answer any questions that may arise.

Past Council Meetings 

View past council meetings 

Council Meeting Dates

Meeting Details

Ordinary Meeting of Council - Wednesday 19th March

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 03:30 PM

Location: Shire of Williams Council Chambers

View Meeting Details

Ordinary Meeting of Council - Wednesday 16th April

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 - 03:30 PM

Location: Shire of Williams Council Chambers

View Meeting Details

Ordinary Meeting of Council - Wednesday 21st May

Wednesday, May 21, 2025 - 03:30 PM

Location: Shire of Williams Council Chambers

View Meeting Details