Rates Info and Budget Overview
For detailed information on rates, interest on overdue rates, concessions on rates, budget overview and capital works expenditure, click here.
Due Dates
2022/2023 Rates are now overdue. If you are having difficulties, please phone Sharon Wilkie to organise a payment arrangement.
Rates are raised annually at the end of July.
For the 2023/24 rates payments the due dates will be advertised in July.
Payment options

Payment can also be made by cash, cheque or credit card, either in person, over the phone or by mail.
Always quote your assessment number(s), so we can allocate your payment correctly.
If you wish to make direct deposits, the bank details can be found on your rates notices, or below:
Shire of Williams
BSB: 016770
Acc: 110209112
Change of Address Details
You can change the address for your rates notices in the following ways:
- Complete the section on the reverse of the payment slip, and return to the Shire Office.
- Send a written notice on plain paper and return to the Shire Office.
- Send an email to rates@williams.wa.gov.au stating the changes.
All correspondence to include your name, new postal address, assessment number and the date.
Requests for info about owners, occupiers, electors and ratepayers
Regulation 29B of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 places restrictions on the availability of details to the public, regarding owners, occupiers, electors or ratepayers.
The regulation states that a person seeking such details is required to complete a statutory declaration, stating that the information will not be used for commercial purposes.
Click here to download the appropriate statutory declaration.
Only original, completed and witnessed statutory declarations will be accepted. They can be submitted in person to the Shire Office during business hours, or posted to our mailing address (see Contact Us).
Please ensure you include the correct payment with your application. The "Fees & Charges" quick-link to the left of this page will allow you to calculate the exact cost.