Pursuant to Section 75 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, notice is hereby given that the Shire has initiated Amendment No 21 for the purpose of commencing public advertising.
The amendment will give Council (or a Development Assessment Panel) discretion to be able to consider applications for wind or solar farms in any zone, having regard for the objectives of that zone.
The Amendment proposes to:
- In ‘Schedule 2 – Interpretations’;
(i) delete the definition for ‘industry’ and inserting the ‘industry’ definition from the Model Provisions;
(ii) insert a definition for ‘renewable energy facility’ from the WAPC Position Statement on Renewable Energy Facilities as follows:
renewable energy facility means premises used to generate energy from a renewable energy source and includes any building or other structure used in, or relating to, the generation of energy by a renewable resource. It does not include renewable energy electricity generation where the energy produced principally supplies a domestic and/or business premises and any on selling to the grid is secondary;
The Amendment is basic under the provisions of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 for the following reason(s):
(i) The amendment is consistent with the Model Provisions;
(ii) The amendment is consistent with a WAPC Position Statement.
The Amendment document can be viewed on the Shire website – www.williams.wa.gov.au
Alternatively, hardcopy plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposals are available for inspection at the Shire of Williams, 9 Brooking Street, Williams during office hours until the 11 September 2023
Submissions on the Scheme Amendment and the Local Development Plan may be made in writing and sent to the Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Williams, PO Box 96, Williams WA 6391 or emailed to shire@williams.wa.gov.au. Submissions should be lodged on or before 11 September 2023
Geoff McKeown